Day Eight – NO
Insane Courage is not afraid to say “No.”
Have you ever wished you would have said No! Like the time you were asked to run an errand you knew would take you 20 minutes out of the way and would interrupt your schedule for the day. How about the time you were down to your last $30 and your son came in and asked you to purchase a scooter for him because all the other kids had one on the street? I know we all can look back at situations and instances that we really should have said “no” but yet the first thing that came out of our mouth was “yes.”
It’s easy to say “no” in our head the problem is getting our mouth to speak it. No one can read our minds and although our actions are saying “no” our mouth betrays us and says “yes.” The main reason I have found that people have trouble saying and meaning “no” is that we have been conditioned to believe that keeping the peace means we have to always say “yes” no matter how we really feel.
Women especially have a difficult time saying and meaning “no.” Women have been bamboozled into believing that if they say “no” then they are not, “Good Christian Women.” Although research has proven that this double standard teaching is at the root of many serious women health issues, the standard is still prevalent in our society.
Insane Courage is “Not” afraid to say and mean “No.” There is a special anointing on the word “no” when used appropriately. I say that with great sincerity and conviction. When you possess the Insane Courage to say and mean “No” you will find yourself walking in more peace than you have experienced in a long time. Your frustration level will diminish and your enjoyment of life will return.
Saying and meaning “no” does not take away from who you are or the passion you have for life. What it does it allow you to be and do you like you were designed. You will become freer to exhibit your “best” life purpose.
Some will even say that if you tell someone “no” you are being selfish. The truth is, saying and meaning “no” can be the most selfless thing you could do. For instance, if you are asked at the last possible moment to give someone a ride and in doing so it will make you late to a very important appointment (having a promised scoop of ice cream with your child) you should feel free enough to say and mean “no.” Here is why, because your mind and focus are on keeping your promise you become frustrated and aggravated. You give them a ride as a so called good person would. Your attitude is not right and you rush to take them wherever it is they need to go. They may get to their destination but believe me your attitude and frustration have affected them as well. But if you would have said “no” they may be upset for a moment but believe me they have other alternatives for a ride if not the lesson is plan better.
Insane Courage is not afraid to say and mean “NO.” Saying “no” does not have to be mean or nasty it can be polite and matter-of-fact. Often you can say “no” with your actions. When something needs to be done and you do not do it, your actions have just said “no.” If you feel like something is an injustice speak up and say "No." Just say “NO” and see how your life will improve and you will continue on your path to your “best” life purpose.
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