Day Six – Persistence
Insane Courage remains persistent until it gains the desired outcome.
Giving up is not an option. Throwing in the towel is not an option. Giving out is not an option. To obtain VICTORY the only option is “persistence!”
When I was in school in order to make the basketball team you were required to tryout. Tryouts were long and cruel. Try outs were generally after school during the time you would normally be home relaxing on the couch watching TV. The coach would make you run around the building several times, do jumping jacks, do layups and then run some more. After two hours of cruelty you would walk home, do your chores, finish your homework and then sit because you were too tired to do anything else. This would continue day in and day out until try outs were over. By the end of try outs the coach’s decision about who would make the team was relatively easy. Many dropped out during try outs because of all the sacrifices that had to be made to make the team. Sometimes even the students with the most potential would drop out because they were not willing to make the sacrifice of extreme hard work and persistence. The final decision of the coach was based upon who was the most persistent not just the most talented.
Most often the victory does not go to the one with the most skill it often times is awarded to the one that is the most persistent. Persistent people will get a vision or dream and will do whatever it takes to accomplish it. They will run longer than others, practice more than is required, endure turbulence, cry when it isn’t perfect and even stay awake thinking when others are sleeping.
Insane Courage remains persistent until it gains the desired outcome. Substitutes are not an option for a persistent person. Today’s persistence equals tomorrows victory. People with Insane Courage to remain persistent dream BIG and in color.
Do you have the Insane Courage to Work – Sweat –Shed Tears – Endure – and be willing to do more?
Insane Courage remains persistent until it gains the desired outcome.
Today's Blog Talk recording
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