Saturday, December 31, 2011

13 days of Insane Courage - Day 11

Day Eleven – Career

Insane Courage never settles for a job but always strives for a career.

It is embedded in our mind from when we were young to go to school, get good grades and go to college so we can get a job.  Not only was it embedded in our minds but it was also exemplified in the actions of the adults we looked up to.  Our parents followed the path, our neighbors did as well and our friend’s parents followed the same instructions.  We saw them day in and day out going to work only to come home and talk about how they hate going to work and what a lousy boss they had.  Although this type of existence seemed like insanity to us, we followed the same trend and now look as us.  Bored, underpaid, underappreciated, and existing at work.

What if we flip the script in our mind and decide to do more?  Maybe even become more than a person with a job.  What if we pursue a career?  You know, something that fulfills us.  Something that we could consider as our life’s work.  What if we deliberated on what interest us the most, what we are most passionate about and devise a plan to capture it?  Life surely would be different.  Money would no longer be our motivator.  Having our “best” life purpose fulfilled will now be the driving force behind our decisions.

Insane Courage never settles for a job but always strives for a career.  A job is a specific task done as part of the routine of one's occupation for an agreed price. While a career is an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one's lifeworkThe main difference is with a job your motivation is just money to pay the bills but with a career instead of money being your motivator your motivation becomes fulfilling your “best” life purpose.

With much work and proving yourself a job can become a career.  For instance, you may start out working at a fast food establishment to earn money but eventually you realize you really like the company and can see growth opportunities that will bring about your “best” life purpose.  You are willing to put in the extra time and take the extra training to move up the ladder of success with the company.  Now your motivation has changed from seeing your position as a way to make money to a way to fulfillment.  You are now on the career path.

What if you thought the career you have was your “best” life purpose but now you are beginning to doubt and have grown frustrated with your position?  I suggest you honestly evaluate why you are feeling the way you do.  Has something changed in your personal life and you think changing careers will bring new fulfillment?  Sometimes aging, adding children, marriage or the desire to make a geographical move will cause you to question your career choice.  If you can rule out these things then ask yourself, “Has something changed in the company that is causing me discontentment?”  Maybe you have a new manager or maybe the work they are asking you to do is too much and outside your scope of training, not to mention mundane.  If you have evaluated everything and still want to make a change then DO It.  You only have one life to live and I believe you should live it to the fullest. 

Insane Courage never settles for a job but always strives for a career.  No more “Jack of all trades and master on none.”  Are you going to just hold down a job?  It’s up to you to research out what God has for you to do and then do that.  What will it take for you to get off the existing merry-go-round and get back on the path to contentment?

Insane Courage never settles for a job but always strives for a career.



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