Day Three – Attitude
Insane Courage is to choose the right attitude to ascertain Victory
Attitude is defined as a mental position with regard to a fact or state. It is also defined as the way a person views something or tends to behave towards it, often in an evaluative way. Simply put the attitude you exhibit in any situation is directly proportionate with the position you have already taken concerning the particular instance. If you have mentally positioned yourself in the lowest place of a situation the outcome you expect and receive will be exactly the opposite of your “best” life purpose. For instance, maybe you want to excel at work but you know in order to excel you will have to advance in your education. Immediately you begin to think about the sacrifice it will be to take courses to advance your career. Your disposition toward meeting this goal of career advancement is mentally low. You have taken the attitude of, it will take too long, the job may not be there when you finish, the career advancement isn’t worth it, besides you don’t even like the person you would have to report to. In the end your mental position and the way you view the career advancement changes and once again you report to the same job you complain about, the same job you can do with your eyes closed, the same job that will give you a 2% raise at the end of another unfulfilled year, the same job that does not challenge you but it is safe.
An Insane Courage attitude would look something like this. You would view advancing your career as a gift to yourself. Not only a gift but your obligation to your “best” life purpose. The sacrifices would be welcomed and the challenge would be exhilarating. Your raised mental level will cause you to take the attitude of even if this job is no longer available when you finish school or if it takes longer than expected you are one step closer to your “best” life purpose. You have completed the steps to advance your career and now you can pursue more opportunities.
The requirement for advancing your career remained the same the only thing that changed is your Insane Courage Attitude. You now have adopted a mentally higher disposition and your expectation is Victory.
The Insane Courage Attitude holds true in any situation that life brings your way. Your predominant tendency and mental outlook holds the truth you carry about your outcome. If you want a good outcome and to ascertain victory you must have the Insane Courage Attitude to think high and expect more.
You can have your “best” life, marriage, financial freedom, health, relationship or whatever your “best” purpose is if you have the Insane Courage Attitude.
Insane Courage is to choose the right attitude to ascertain Victory
Day Three BlogTalk Radio ministry
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