Thursday, December 20, 2012

Love Speaks - Love Celebrates Other's Accomplishments

Psalms 23:1 reads, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall have no lack.”(AMP) When a Christian believes there is enough of whatever it is they desire from the Lord then and only then will they be free of the green-eyed monster envy.

To envy is to openly and inwardly admit that God is not big enough and doesn’t care enough about you as His child. Envy is cruel and ugly. Once it gets its claws into your thought life, it will not be satisfied until it has consumed you to the point of total submission. One sign of envy is obsessing over something someone else has even when you are not in the presence of the object. Another sign is to think you deserve the object of your obsession more than the person who possesses it does. Such as you think you sing best, wear an outfit best or would treat a person of the opposite sex better. Finally, a sign of envy is procrastination. You rationalize if you had money like someone else you would move forward in the plans, and vision God has given you, or if you had the staff, maybe if you had the creativity of a well-known person, then you could obey God.

Love does not envy. Love does not obsess over what it doesn’t have. To represent the language of Christ in the world you must first know that you have exactly what Christ knows is best for you today. In the model prayer, Jesus taught His disciples to pray and ask God for their daily bread. In common terms that translate to asking God for what was needed for each day rather than worrying about getting things they did not need to accomplish the plan and purposes of their father.

When you obsess over what others have you misuse or mishandle what you have. You find yourself complaining about what you have in light of what you think you need. Everything you need has already been supplied to you for this time in your life. If you perceive something is missing look around and see what you have mishandled or misused.

Love does not envy, love appreciates all God has done for it and what He plans to bring to it at the right time.

Love does not envy, love celebrates the achievements of others.
Love does not envy, love motivates others to use what they have for the glory of God
Love does not envy, love is diligent
Love does not envy, love is purposeful
Love does not envy, love is passionate
Love does not envy, love is patient with God and kind to all.

God is more than enough, and His blessings are always on time.

13 day Love Challenge

Day 2              Send a note of encouragement to someone that is in a position higher than yourself

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