Reading their report about this generation is worst that
being in Texas and listening to the weather man’s report of icy rains, which
have many bridges and overpass’s iced over.
If you are from Texas, you know what that mean. People will test the limits and drive fast
over the ice which ultimately ends up in a spin out, and if you happen to be in
the wrong place at the wrong time you will become involved in a wreck due to
their insolent behavior.
It seems to me as though the psychologist said the same
thing about the generations up to 1984.
They have rearranged the words, but the essence is the same. The generation is helpless and hopeless. The
good news is this is not news at all, God said it first. In the garden of Eden after Adam sinned God
began His plan of redemption. His plan
of redemption involved every generation and is still available today. It covered Moses’ generation, Noah’s
generation, Ruth’s generation, David’s generation, Jesus’ generation and your
The all-mighty God could have erased mankind from the earth
and began a fresh, but He decided to redeem them instead. His son Jesus came as our redeemer and died
as our remedy and rose victoriously as our restorer. His love endured all things so that we can
have the grace of God active in our lives again.
Love speaks grace
while enduring hardship imposed by the actions of another.
That is what Jesus did when He encountered Martha as He
entered the city after the death of Lazarus.
He spoke grace to the bystanders through His tears because of their unbelief. Jesus spoke grace to the woman caught in
adultery. His love spoke grace to
Zaccheaus when He called him down from the tree. His enduring love spoke grace to His
disciples each time their doubts, pettiness and fear overcame them. Jesus’ enduring love speaks grace to us each
time we think we do not deserve it. His
grace agrees we do not deserve it but He gives it to us based on His love for
us. That’s enduring grace.
His greatest
expression of an enduring love has been placed in your hands. You are his heart of love, His hands of love
and His feet of love. You embody His
love to His people of the world. His
love speaks in how you treat your neighbor. His love speaks in your salute to
your spouse. His love speaks in the way you discipline your children. His love speaks in the manner in which you
treat the waitress. His love speaks in
your smile, your wave, your hello to a stranger. His enduring love speaks through you.
Endurance takes
patience, tolerance and adversity. Psychologist
may have the right hypothesis, but Christians have the final proof. The
generation is exactly what God had in mind. Although the adversary wants to
control them, we are positioned to endure with patience until the end.
We dare to hold out with unyielding commitment to this generation. With God as our guide and love speaking
through our actions we “Win.”
13 Day Love Challenge
Day 12
Write a love letter to someone who would never expect
to receive
it from you explaining all the things you thank God for in them.
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