Thursday, August 22, 2013

Medicating a healthy active child should be the very LAST resort. Pray for their influencers.

 Medicating a healthy active child should be the 

very LAST resort.


Pray for Everybody Who Influences Your Children


Let's face it, most children are at school or daycare for an average of 9 hours a day.  They spend on average 10 hours a day sleeping and eating. Factoring in mid-week church, after school activities, and homework, parents have less than 5 hours a day to influence their children.

Doesn’t it seem reasonable and sensible to spend time in prayer for those who are influencing your children? I have found such truth and strength in accepting the village to help train my children.  God has blessed each child with a village of partners. 

Somewhere along the way the parenting message has been misinterpreted.  Parents, especially mothers, believe every part of the training of their child is their responsibility.  It is true you have been chosen to effectively manage their training.  But it is also true that the village must be allowed to fulfill their purpose in the training. 

Each pastor, Sunday school teacher, musician, coach, teacher, administrator, cafeteria worker, bus driver, business owner, and the list goes on, has a specific role in partnering with you to train your child.  God chose these partners before your child was born. 

Understand that you will not like every member of the partnership.  God’s goal is not for you to like all the partners.  His goal is for your child to mature in the partnership.  It takes partners you like as well as the ones you don’t like to mature your child. If your child only experienced the good in life, they would crumble when pressure comes. 

Pray for those who partner with you in influencing your child for maturity in Christ.

1.   Praise God for choosing the persons who will partner with you   in training your child for an abundant life.

2.   Praise God for the institution in which the partnership will flourish.

3.   Ask God to help you trust His decision for the partnership.

4.   Ask God to help you share the training responsibilities with the persons assigned to your child.

5.   Ask God to allow the time your child spends with any person in the partnership to be positive.

6.   Ask God to help your child find favor with the partners He chose.

7.   Thank the Lord for His grand plan.

8.   Thank the Lord for enlarging your child’s territory and stretching their possibilities.

9.   Thank the Lord for this partnership which will mature them for future success.

10.         Thank the Lord for allowing you to be the parent in the partnership.

Viewing the influencers in your child’s life as partners sent from God should assist you in valuing their contribution.  Each person is an asset that should be appreciated. When God adds a partner to your family portfolio, the dividends are His reward. 

Friday's Blog "Teach Your Child to Resolve Their OWN Conflicts" - Mama I Got This.

Monday, August 19, 2013

When you pray, you become more than a spectator in their life.

Medicating a healthy active child should be the 

very LAST resort.


Each child deserves to be prayed for by name daily.  When you pray for your child by name you open up endless options for a bountiful and productive day.  When you call their name in your prayer they hear they are important and their future is important.  Your few audible words of prayer spoken over them daily will make a difference in the decisions they make throughout the day.  

As time goes by, the energy you put into praying for them daily will pay off in dividends you will treasure for a lifetime.  Your prayers will shape their foundation and the foundation of your grandchildren.  

When you pray, you become more than a spectator in their life.  You are now in the position of participator.  Your prayer aligns you and your child with the plans of the Spirit of God for their life. You take on an active role in shaping God's purpose in their life as you pray.

Without your prayer, your child could potentially struggle through school. Your prayer equips them to look beyond the hard test, teacher, or exercise routine.  It shines a light on their potential to excel.

Things to consider when praying.

1. Praise God for your child (say their name)
2. Praise God for their knowledge of Him
3. Praise God for their commitment to Him
4. Ask God to reveal His plan for their success to them (say their name)
5. Ask God to protect them
6. Ask God to bless them with wisdom, knowledge, organization, and understanding
7. Ask God to give them committed Christian friends
8. Thank God for helping them pass every test in school and personal judgement tests
9. Thank God for giving them favor with each teacher (say their name)
10.  Thank God for returning them home to you better than the way they left
11. Thank God that He gave them to you to parent (say their name)
12. Thank God for _________________

Dare to Pray Circle's around your child. 

 Wednesday's Blog "How to Pray for the Influence's in Your Child's Life."

Medicating a healthy active child should be the very LAST resort.

Medicating a healthy active child should be the 

very LAST resort.

A new school year is approaching most school districts in Texas.  Some parents are delighted at all the new opportunities available to their child. Nevertheless, some parents dread the end of summer.  The summer in which their child was free to be creative and curious.  

The summer camp counselor looked forward to your son's antics and exploration. Now you must face the school teacher's constant complaints about the same behavior

Let me begin my saying there is hope for your child.  You have given your best to make sure they succeed.  Your efforts are not in vain.  Most importantly, please believe God has great plans for your child to succeed.

This blog is to remind you of the dream you had when your child was born.  The possibilities were endless.  They could be whatever they wanted to be.  They would excel at whatever came to their mind.  You even dreamed that one day they would bring about a change in the family, community, and even the nation.

These dreams are still available.  Have you noticed that most dreams come on the backdrop of darkness?  It is dark when dream with your eyes closed.  You can't see how something is going to happen when you daydream.  It may seem dark right now. Be assured the dream will be revealed at the right time.

A dream puts everything you do into perspective.  It has the ability to predict the future.  Dreams give you a focus for your energy and expands your reach.

When you stop dreaming your child will loose hope.  Lost hope in childhood breeds a hopeless adult.  And a hopeless adult never realizes their potential.

Dare to dream and act on that dream. 

Tuesday's blog "How to Pray For Your Child."

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Love Speaks - Extravagant Love

Mourning had become her constant companion. Her husband had died and all she had left were her sons and debt.  Debt so extravagant that the creditor had notified her he was coming to get her sons.  Hopelessness and desperation were her first reactions.  What was she to do without her husband and soon without her sons?

In the midst of all this, she remembered what her husband had told her about God.  He told her God was just and fair.  He cared about all His children and was a very present help to those in need.  Her husband even told her God was on her side and would not let evil come near her.

With all the strength in her bones and conviction in her heart, she cried out to Elisha, the man of God her husband had served very well.  She reminded Elisha how her husband had been faithful to God and how he revered God.  Through her tears and frustration, she told Elisha the creditor was coming to take the most precious things she had on earth, her sons. 

The love of God spoke through Elisha, “What do you have in your house?” This nameless, broken, frustrated woman only had a pot of oil in her house.  Growing sons, debt, needs, and all she had to live on was a pot of oil.  She needed so much more than to pay the debt.  She was in the perfect place for an extravagant love miracle.

This time she had to stand on the faith her dead husband was committed to. This time she had to trust the man of God her husband trusted and served.  The spotlight from heaven was on her and what she did in the next few minutes could change her life forever.

Whether it was her desperation that motivated her to follow the words of Elisha, or her enduring hope, scripture does not tell us.  However, it does tell us she followed the instructions, and as she poured the oil in each borrowed vessel the little oil she had continued to flow.  As it flowed into the first pot, the burden of desperation began to lift.  The oil kept flowing and depression, mourning, bitterness and the feelings of being destitute kept lifting.  The more the oil flowed the more her joy was restored, life was restored, and hope was restored.  Only when the pots were all filled did the oil stop flowing.

Extravagant love begins small just as the oil began in one pot.  As you allow God to pour you out to the world, He created you to be the light in, the oil will flow from person to person, city to city, nation to nation.  The oil of love will continue to flow until it reaches the last person on earth.  Love never fails.

Wars fail. Fighting fails. Bitterness fails. Control and manipulation fail.  They fail to bring peace.  They fail to end hunger.  They fail to return husbands and wives back to the family.  They fail to deliver the oppressed.  They fail to restore the joy to a sinful soul.  They fail to fill the earth with morality.  They fail.

Most importantly, extravagant love of the Father poured out to His children never fails. It reaches to the highest mountain, and it flows to the lowest valley.  The extravagant love of Jesus poured from His words. It poured from His silence. It poured from His torture and death.  His extravagant love for us poured out in victory at His ascension into the heavens where He left the Holy Spirit to continue to pour His extravagant love in us.

Love speaks extravagantly when the Holy Spirit lives in the children of God.

This challenge to love as Christ loves cannot be done in your own strength.  It is only available to those who choose to allow the Holy Spirit to love through their mouth through the words they speak.  He can love through your hands in the deeds you do.  He can love through your mind in the thoughts you think toward others.  His love speaks.  The question is, “Will you let His love speak through you?”

Love speaks extravagantly over all things that God can use for His glory.

13 Day Love Challenge

Day 13

Make a list of all the people you can show love to and set a 
calendar reminder each month to show love.